1992 Justice of the year "Education VŞP"

In 1992h. on the initiative of the prominent lawyers of Kazakhstan Doctor of Law, Professor. JG Basin, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, d.yu.n. Professor. Suleimenov MK, Doctor of Law, Professor. Didenko A.G., Ph.D., Assoc. Greshnikova P.Ya., Doctor of Law, Professor. Khudyakova AI. The Higher School of Law "Adilet" was founded, the glorious history of which continues today within the walls of the Caspian University. 7 October 1992 of the year Higher School of Law "Adilet" was issued a certificate of state registration, and at that time a candidate of legal sciences was appointed its rector, Associate Professor Matyukhin A.A..

Motto "Toward a free and responsible personality through a market economy, civil society and the rule of law!»