publishing rules for authors of the journal "Proceedings Justice "»

(Requirements for the articles, submitted for publication)

Instructions to authors in the journal "Scientific papers "Adilet»

The Editorial Board sets the publication and its authors aim – achieving international recognition, entry in the list of publications KKSON, authoritative rankings of scientific publications, achieving high levels of various indices of citation (IMPACT-factor, SCOPUS, Thomson Reuters), than due to the high requirements for quality design articles.


Editorial board asks authors in preparing articles for publication in the journal «Scientific works "Adilet» following guidelines.

Conditions of placement of publications in the journal

All documents may be submitted in paper form, on electronic media, by mail or directly to the main editor.

At all stages of work with the manuscripts and to communicate with the authors edited by using e-mail.

For publication in the journal "Proceedings of" Adilet "articles accepted in Kazakh, Russian and English, containing not previously published problematic, overview, discussion papers in the field of legal science, which highlights the results of basic and applied research.

The article can be presented in one of three languages: Kazakh, Russian or English.

Article undergraduates should be accompanied by a review of the scientific adviser (the seal of the personnel department). Retsenziya- in Kazakh or Russian languages. Author of the article may additionally present a review of the independent expert on the manuscript.

The article should be carefully edited. Particular attention should be paid to the clarity and conciseness of style, accuracy and consistency in the presentation of the material.

The author of the first copy of the article with an indication must be signed, that the text of the article (quotations, figures, layings) proofread and checked against. For the adequacy or accuracy of the data, presented in the materials, responsibility of the authors.

The author of the manuscript before delivery to the journal should carefully check the spelling of a common, as well as the spelling of the relevant legal terms.

In the case of non-compliance the requirements of Article, The Editorial Board has the right to reject it.


To the articles meet the following requirements

The volume of articles, including the list of references, tables and pictures with the caption labels, annotations, should not exceed 10 printed pages. The minimum volume of article- 5 pages. The editors need to submit an electronic version of the article in full compliance with listing. Article pages should be numbered. The article should contain UDC (Universal Decimal qualifier).

At the beginning of the article points Author, office or place of work, study, article title.

annotation (abstract, annotation) It is given after the name, place of work, study author and title of the article at the beginning of the text in Russian., Kaz. and English languages. Before each annotation write full name, title of the article in the appropriate language annotations. Further keywords (keyword, keywords) in Kazakh., Rus., English. languages ​​at the bottom of the summary in the appropriate language annotations.

Abstract is a summary of the content of scientific work, which gives a general idea of ​​its subject and structure.

Abstract volume 300-500 words. Structure annotation includes the following items REQUIRED:

Introduction to the research topic.

purpose, main directions and ideas of scientific research.

Brief description of the scientific and practical significance of the work.

Brief description of the research methodology.

Main results and analysis, the findings of research work.

Value study (contribution made this work in the relevant fields of expertise).

The practical significance of the outcome.

Abstract is not required for the publication of reviews, reports on conferences and similar informational materials.

Keywords should provide the most complete disclosure of the content of the article. For each specific material set 7-8 keyword (keywords) in order of importance, ie. most important keyword articles should be first on the list.

The authors, information about authors, article title, abstract and keywords are specified in the language of writing and in the Russian / Kazakh and English. The information about the authors should be specified position held, main place of work, academic degree, academic title, as well as e-mail

The text should be typed in Word, any version, It appears on a CD or other storage media or sent via e-mail (slave. wire: +7 727 250 69 35 - BH. 218). Text font - Times New Roman, A4 paper size (210*297 mm), size Skittles - 12 Fri. Line spacing -. Width adjustment. Paragraph - 0,8 cm. Upper field - 2, lower - 2, left - 2, right - 2.

The tables, figures, formulas should not be discrepancies in the designation of characters, marks. Drawings must be clear, clean. On the text of figures and tables should be referenced.

The text of the number of formulas should be minimal. Formulas should be typed in the appropriate editor (for mathematical and chemical formulas). Tables should be titled, not allowed to have them empty graph. Abbreviations and symbols should be explained in a footnote.

Illustrative materials are presented in the following formats: photo, drawings - tiff or jepg (300 dpi for black and white and color); graphics, graphs, circuits, etc.. – exls, cdr. On the back of the picture or under the surname of the author, title of the article and the number of the figure. Illustrations can be placed in the text, but it must be attached as separate files, which will subsequently be used in layout). Captions are given a separate list, at the end of the article.

Bibliography It should consist of no more than 20 items, and shall be in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 "Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules ". Links to sources in the text are only given in brackets (without citing [12], when quoting or paraphrase the author's text [12, with. 29]). The numbering of references in an article carried by the ordinal number of the source in the bibliography pristateynom. Numbering is performed as citing. Archival materials are not included in the list, references to them are placed in the text in parentheses. When used in the article sourced from electronic resources or remote access (Internet) in the list of references is a source of bibliographic record and links to network resources with complete network address on the Internet. It is desirable to specify the date of application to the resource.


for example (Bibliographic information conditional):

for books: Names and initials of the authors. title. - Information on the publication of repetition. - Place of publication: publishing house, The year of publishing. - Number of pages.

for example:

Basin YU.H. Selected works on civil law. - 3-e ed. - SPb.: 2003. — 294 with.

For articles from journals: Names and initials of the authors. Article title // Title releases. (series). - The year of publishing. - Tom. - Room. - Pages.

for example:

Bryzgalov AI. On some theoretical and methodological problems of legal science on a modern stage // State and law. — 2004. —№ 4. - WITH. 17–22.

For conference materials, collections of works, etc..: Names and initials of the authors. Article title // Title releases: publication type. - A place, the year of publishing. - Tom. - Room. - Pages.

for example:

But Didenko. Civil law as a source of the legal validity // VI Civil Legislation: Articles. Comments. Practice. - Vyp.40 / under the order. A.G. Didenko. - Almaty: Rarity, 2015. – WITH. 4-24.


Reference lists are also documented in the Roman alphabet (References). The author is obliged to make a name transliteration, initials, translation of an article title (review, reviews), list of sources used (References) into English, placing them at the end of the text. Online, there is a program of transliteration of the Russian language in the Latin alphabet.

for example:

Didenko A. Grazhdanskoye pravo kak istochnik formirovaniya pravovoy deystvitelnosti // VI Grazhdanskoye zakonodatelstvo: build. Kommentarii. Praktika. - Vyp.40 / Pod red. A.G. Didenko. – Almaty: Vintage, 2015. – S. 4-24.

The Editorial Board recommends that you read the works of scientists of the University on the subject of work and refer to the publication in the journal, magazine articles on global citation index (Scopus, Web of Science, Thomson Reuters).

Information about authors

The manuscript attached:

1) Information about each of the authors of the article with the name, behalf, patronymic; degree; academic status; main job; post; home, service or mobile phones; electronic and postal addresses (to communicate with the editors);

2) Information about, who of the authors should be addressed to the chief editor of questions and / or direct proofs.

Articles accepted for consideration in strict compliance with the requirements for published articles and you have all the supporting documents.

All articles, received the Editor, reviewed. If necessary, the article can be returned to the author for revision. The date of receipt of the article is the date of receipt of the final version of its editorial staff. The editors reserve the right to make editorial changes to the text, do not distort the meaning of Article.

Articles are published as they become available. The selection of materials for the current number is determined by the editorial plan.


schematic nExample of an article

  • UDC.
  • In the center are:
  • Surname, name, patronymic of the authors (eg.: Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich1, Krylov Petr Petrovich2)
  • Full name of institution, which is the author (by country and city), academic degree and title. If the authors are from different institutions, the correspondence between the author and the institution is established superscripts, eg:

Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich 1, Krylov Petr Petrovich 2
Caspian Public University, Ph.D., Associate professor at the Higher School of Law "Adilet", Kazakhstan, g. Almaty1
Economics and Law Institute, Doctor of Law, Kazakhstan, g. Almaty2

  • Article title (bold writing)
  • annotation.
  • Keywords.
  • text of the article.
  • Bibliography.
  • References (transliteration).
  • At the end of the article is translated into the other two languages (in turn): FI. authors, article title, resume (font size 2 Kegel less, than the main).
  • On separate pages are illustrations (drawings, graphs, Table et al.) with inscriptions.
  • Information about authors.