ethics Content Requirements in the journal "Scientific works Justice "»
Publication Ethics magazine "Proceedings" Adilet "
The editorial board strives to ensure compliance with ethical standards, adopted by the international scientific community, endeavoring to prevent any violations in this area.
Article submission to the means, that it contains a non-trivial new scientific results obtained by the authors, which have never been published.
Author (or team of authors) He is personally responsible for the novelty and validity of the results of scientific research, which implies the following principles:
the authors must provide valid research results. Knowingly false or fraudulent statements unacceptable;
The authors should ensure the originality of the research results, set out in the submitted manuscript. Borrowed fragments or statements must be filed with the obligatory indication of the author and the original source. excessive borrowing, and plagiarism in any form, It is including unregistered quotes, paraphrasing or assignment of rights to the results of foreign studies, unethical and unacceptable;
the article must be submitted to a reference to the work, which had a value in the research;
the authors do not provide in the manuscript journal, which had been sent to another journal and is under consideration, as well as Article, already published in another journal;
co-author must indicate all persons, who have made a significant contribution to the study; among the co-authors is unacceptable to designate persons, not involved in the study;
detection of significant errors or inaccuracies in the article on the stage of examination or after its publication, the author should notify this to the Editor as soon as possible.